



Early detection of pancreatic cancer by comprehensive serum miRNA sequencing with automated machine learning. Munenori Kawai, Akihisa Fukuda, Ryo Otomo, Shunsuke Obata, Kosuke Minaga, Masanori Asada, Atsushi Umemura, Yoshito Uenoyama, Nobuhiro Hieda, Toshihiro Morita, Ryuki Minami, Saiko Marui, Yuki Yamauchi, Yoshitaka Nakai, Yutaka Takada, Kozo Ikuta, Takuto Yoshioka,Kenta Mizukoshi, Kosuke Iwane, Go Yamakawa, Mio Namikawa, Makoto Sono, Munemasa Nagao, Takahisa Maruno, Yuki Nakanishi, Mitsuharu Hirai, Naoki Kanda, Seiji Shio, Toshinao Itani, Shigehiko Fujii, Toshiyuki Kimura, Kazuyoshi Matsumura, Masaya Ohana, Shujiro Yazumi, Chiharu Kawanami, Yukitaka Yamashita, Hiroyuki Marusawa, Tomohiro Watanabe, Yoshito Ito, Masatoshi Kudo &Hiroshi Seno. British Journal of Cancer (2024.

Carfilzomib shows therapeutic potential for reduction of liver fibrosis by targeting hepatic stellate cell activation. Fujiwara A, Takemura K, Tanaka A, Matsumoto M, Katsuyama M, Okanoue T, Yamaguchi K, Itoh Y, Iwata K, Amagase K, Umemura A. Sci Rep. 2024 Aug 20;14(1):19288. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-70296-8.

Safety/efficacy of atezolizumab + bevacizumab during anti-platelet/anticoagulation therapy in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma.Moriguchi M, Okuda K, Horiguchi G, Kataoka S, Seko Y, Yamaguchi K, Nishimura T, Fujii H, Mitsumoto Y, Miyagawa M, Kirishima T, Okishio S, Hara T, Ishikawa H, Nagao Y, Jo M, Ishii M, Tanaka S, Yamauchi N, Mitsuyoshi H, Nakajima T, Taketani H, Yano K, Arai M, Umemura A, Itoh Y. Liver Int. 2024 Jun 4.

Inter-individual variations in circadian misalignment-induced NAFLD pathophysiology in mice. Koike N, Umemura Y, Inokawa H, Tokuda I, Tsuchiya Y, Sasawaki Y, Umemura A, Masuzawa N, Yabumoto K, Seya T, Sugimoto A, Yoo SH, Chen Z, Yagita K. iScience. 2024.5;27(2):108934.


T. Fibro-Scope V1.0.1: an artificial intelligence/neural network system for staging of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.Yamaguchi K, Shima T, Mitsumoto Y, Seko Y, Umemura A, Itoh Y, Nakajima A, Kaneko S, Harada K, Watkins T, OkanoueHepatol Int. 2023 Jun;17(3):573-583.

Editorial: Impacts of drug-induced oxidative stress.Umemura A.Front. Med. 2023 May 3;10:1191864.

Comparison of portal vein hemodynamics with ultrasound-based elastography for the prediction of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic liver disease.Sci Rep. 2023 Feb 28;13(1):3425.

Reactive Oxygen Species and NRF2 Signaling, Friends or Foes in Cancer? Biomolecules. 2023 Feb 11;13(2):353.

臨床消化器内科VoL.38 No.3 p.271-277特集『黄疸を極める』肝細胞性黄疸、(3)薬物性肝障害と黄疸

特集テーマ「医薬品開発の最前線」京都府立医科大学雑誌 2023年132巻6号


Bortezomib is an effective enhancer for chemical probe-dependent superoxide detection.Front Med (Lausanne) 2022 Dec 21;9:941180.

Fibro-Scope V1.0.1: an artificial intelligence/neural network system for staging of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.Hepatol Int. 2022 Dec 21.

Serum levels of immunoglobulin M-free inhibitors of macrophage/CD5L as a predictive and early diagnostic marker for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis-associated hepatocellular carcinoma.Hepatol Res. 2022 Dec;52(12):998-1008.

Alleviative effects of glutamate against chemotherapeutic agent-induced intestinal mucositis.Jonan S, Hamouda N, Fujiwara A, Iwata K, Fujita T, Kato S, Amagase K. J PhysiolPharmacol. 2022 Aug;73(4).

Umemura A, Kataoka S, Okuda K, Seko Y, Yamaguchi K, Moriguchi M, Okanoue T, Itoh Y. Potential Therapeutic Targets and Promising Agents for Combating NAFLD. Biomedicines. 2022 Apr 14;10(4):901. (IF=4.7)

楳村敦詩. 脂肪性肝疾患と肝癌. 京府医大誌 131(3), 209 ~ 219,2022.



岡田宣宏、岩田 和実、楳村 敦詩 第60回日本肝臓学会総会 熊本 2024年6月13日


楳村 敦詩、藤原 亜耶奈、田 中 杏奈、岩田 和実、天ヶ瀬 紀久子 第97回日本薬理学会年会 神戸 2023年12月16日

ワークショップ「肝病態に応じた各種バイオマーカーの探索」(楳村教授が司会を担当)第45回日本肝臓学会西部階 京都 2023年12月7日

藤原 亜耶奈、田 中 杏奈、岩田 和実、天ヶ瀬 紀久子,楳村 敦詩 第45回日本肝臓学会西部会 京都 2023年12月7日

NFYA は肝細胞がんにおける糖新生の抗腫瘍効果を促進する.岡田宣宏,岩田和実,楳村敦詩 
第45回日本肝臓学会西部会 京都 2023年12月7日一般口演

Therapeutic potential of proteasome inhibitors targeting hepatic stellate cell activation in liver fibrosis. Ayana Fujiwara, Anna Tanaka, Kazumi Iwata, Kikuko Amagase, Atsushi Umemura. The 3rd JSH International Liver Conference in Tokyo. 2023/9/7.

深津陽大、岩田和実、楳村敦詩、天ヶ瀬紀久子.次世代を担う若手のための創薬・医療薬理シンポジウムin徳島市 2023年8月

田中杏奈 、藤原亜弥奈、岩田和実、楳村敦詩、天ヶ瀬紀久子 
次世代を担う若手のための創薬・医療薬理シンポジウムin徳島市 2023年8月26日

Role of NOX1/NADPH Oxidase in Doxorubicin-induced CardiotoxicityHaruto Fukatsu, Kazumi Iwata, Kikuko Amagase.
19th World Congress of Basic &Clinical Glasgow (Scotland).2023.7/2-7/7

活性酸素種産生酵素 NADPHオキシダーゼ1が担うドキソルビシン誘発心毒性における役割 
深津陽大、天ヶ瀬紀久子、楳村敦詩、岩田和実. 第143回日本薬理学会近畿部会 名古屋 2023年6月


岩田 和実、矢部 千尋、楳村 敦詩.第96回日本薬理学会年会in横浜 2022年12月

楳村敦詩、満間綾子 第96回日本薬理学会年会in横浜 2022年12月



Mori J, Umemura A, Satake W, Cha PC, Suzuki Y, Itoh K, Chiyonobu T. TUBB3 E410K Syndrome With Childhood-Onset Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022 Jan 1;107(1):e38e43.

Seko Y, Moriguchi M, Takahashi A, Yamaguchi K, Umemura A, Okuda K, Kataoka S, Unozawa H, Kobayashi K, Ogasawara S, Sato R, Tsuchiya S, Watanabe S, Morimoto N, Iwai K, Aramaki T, Kato N, Itoh Y. Hepatitis C virus eradication prolongs overall survival in hepatocellular carcinoma patients receiving molecular-targeted agents. J Gastroenterol. 2022 Feb;57(2):90-98.

Yano K, Yamaguchi K, Seko Y, Okishio S, Ishiba H, Tochiki N, Takahashi A, Kataoka S, Okuda K, Liu Y, Fujii H, Umemura A, Moriguchi M, Okanoue T, Itoh Y. Hepatocyte-specific fibroblast growth factor 21 overexpression ameliorates high-fat diet-induced obesity and liver steatosis in mice. Lab Invest. 2022 Mar;102(3):281-289.

Soda T, Gen Y, Terasaki K, Iwai N, Kitaichi T, Dohi O, Taketani H, Seko Y, Umemura A, Nishikawa T, Yamaguchi K, Moriguchi M, Konishi H, Naito Y, Itoh Y, Yasui K. Loss of KAP3 decreases intercellular adhesion and impairs intracellular transport of laminin in signet ring cell carcinoma of the stomach. Sci Rep. 2022 Mar 23;12(1):5050.

Kataoka S, Moriguchi M, Okishio S, Takahashi A, Okuda K, Seko Y, Umemura A, Yamaguchi K, Miyagawa-Hayashino A, Itoh Y. Readministration of nivolumab after immune checkpoint inhibitorinduced cholangitis: the first reported case. Clin J Gastroenterol. 2022 Apr;15(2):467-474.

Kawamura S, Matsushita Y, Kurosaki S, Tange M, Fujiwara N, Hayata Y, Hayakawa Y, Suzuki N, Hata M, Tsuboi M, Kishikawa T, Kinoshita H, Nakatsuka T, Sato M, Kudo Y, Hoshida Y, Umemura A, Eguchi A, Ikenoue T, Hirata Y, Uesugi M, Tateishi R, Tateishi K, Fujishiro M, Koike K, Nakagawa H. Inhibiting SCAP/SREBP exacerbates liver injury and carcinogenesis in murine nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. J Clin Invest. 2022 Jun 1;132(11):e151895.

Okanoue T, Yamaguchi K, Shima T, Mitsumoto Y, Mizuno M, Katayama T, Seko Y, Moriguchi M, Umemura A, Itoh Y, Miyazaki T. Serum levels of immunoglobulin M-free inhibitors of macrophage/CD5L as a predictive and early diagnostic marker for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis-associated hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatol Res. 2022 Dec;52(12):998-1008.

Matsumoto M, Sawada H, Iwata K, Ibi M, Asaoka N, Katsuyama M, Shintani-Ishida K, Ikegaya H, Takegami S, Umemura A, YabeNishimura C. Bortezomib is an effective enhancer for chemical probe-dependent superoxide detection. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Dec 21;9:941180.

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Kawamura S, Matsushita Y, Kurosaki S, Tange M, Fujiwara N, Hayata Y, Hayakawa Y, Suzuki N, Hata M, Tsuboi M, Kishikawa T, Kinoshita H, Nakatsuka T, Sato M, Kudo Y, Hoshida Y, Umemura A, Eguchi A, Ikenoue T, Hirata Y, Uesugi M, Tateishi R, Tateishi K, Fujishiro M, Koike K, Nakagawa H.
Inhibiting SCAP/SREBP exacerbates liver injury and carcinogenesis in murine nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. J Clin Invest. 2022 Apr 5;. doi: 10.1172/JCI151895.

Kataoka S, Moriguchi M, Okishio S, Takahashi A, Okuda K, Seko Y, Umemura A, Yamaguchi K, Miyagawa-Hayashino A, Itoh Y.
Re-administration of nivolumab after immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced cholangitis: the first reported case. Clin J Gastroenterol. 2022 Apr;15(2):467-474. doi: 10.1007/s12328-022-01590-z.

Soda T, Gen Y, Terasaki K, Iwai N, Kitaichi T, Dohi O, Taketani H, Seko Y, Umemura A, Nishikawa T, Yamaguchi K, Moriguchi M, Konishi H, Naito Y, Itoh Y, Yasui K.
Loss of KAP3 decreases intercellular adhesion and impairs intracellular transport of laminin in signet ring cell carcinoma of the stomach. Sci Rep. 2022 Mar 23;12(1):5050. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-08904-8.

Yano K, Yamaguchi K, Seko Y, Okishio S, Ishiba H, Tochiki N, Takahashi A, Kataoka S, Okuda K, Liu Y, Fujii H, Umemura A, Moriguchi M, Okanoue T, Itoh Y.
Hepatocyte-specific fibroblast growth factor 21 overexpression ameliorates high-fat diet-induced obesity and liver steatosis in mice. Lab Invest. 2022 Mar;102(3):281-289. doi: 10.1038/s41374-021-00680-9.

Seko Y, Moriguchi M, Takahashi A, Yamaguchi K, Umemura A, Okuda K, Kataoka S, Unozawa H, Kobayashi K, Ogasawara S, Sato R, Tsuchiya S, Watanabe S, Morimoto N, Iwai K, Aramaki T, Kato N, Itoh Y.
Hepatitis C virus eradication prolongs overall survival in hepatocellular carcinoma patients receiving molecular-targeted agents. J Gastroenterol. 2022 Feb;57(2):90-98. doi: 10.1007/s00535-021-01837-5.

Mori J, Umemura A, Satake W, Cha PC, Suzuki Y, Itoh K, Chiyonobu T.
TUBB3 E410K Syndrome With Childhood-Onset Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022 Jan 1;107(1):e38-e43. doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgab628.


Kataoka S, Umemura A, Okuda K, Taketani H, Seko Y, Nishikawa T, Yamaguchi K, Moriguchi M, Kanbara Y, Arbiser JL, Shima T, Okanoue T, Itoh Y.
Honokiol Acts as a Potent Anti-Fibrotic Agent in the Liver through Inhibition of TGF-β1/SMAD Signaling and Autophagy in Hepatic Stellate Cells.Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Dec 12;22(24).

Okuda K, Umemura A, Kataoka S, Yano K, Takahashi A, Okishio S, Taketani H, Seko Y, Nishikawa T, Yamaguchi K, Moriguchi M, Nakagawa H, Liu Y, Mitsumoto Y, Kanbara Y, Shima T, Okanoue T, Itoh Y.
Enhanced Antitumor Effect in Liver Cancer by Amino Acid Depletion-Induced Oxidative Stress. Front Oncol. 2021 Nov 2;11:758549.

Takahashi A, Umemura A, Yano K, Okishio S, Kataoka S, Okuda K, Seko Y, Yamaguchi K, Moriguchi M, Okanoue T, Itoh Y.
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Stimulate HLA Class I Expression by Augmenting the IFNγ/STAT1 Signaling in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells. Front Oncol. 2021 Aug 11;11:707473.

Okuda K, Umemura A, Kataoka S, Yano K, Takahashi A, Okishio S, Taketani H, Seko Y, Nishikawa T, Yamaguchi K, Moriguchi M, Nakagawa H, Liu Y, Mitsumoto Y, Kanbara Y, Shima T, Okanoue T, Itoh Y.
Honokiol Prevents Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis-Induced Liver Cancer via EGFR Degradation through the Glucocorticoid Receptor-MIG6 Axis. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Mar 25;13(7):1515.


He F, Antonucci L, Yamachika S, Zhang Z, Taniguchi K, Umemura A, Hatzivassiliou G, Roose-Girma M, Reina-Campos M, Duran A, Diaz-Meco MT, Moscat J, Sun B, Karin M.
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Stress-Activated NRF2-MDM2 Cascade Controls Neoplastic Progression in Pancreas. Cancer Cell. 2017 Dec 11;32(6):824-839.e8.


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p62, Upregulated during Preneoplasia, Induces Hepatocellular Carcinogenesis by Maintaining Survival of Stressed HCC-Initiating Cells.Cancer Cell. 2016 Jun 13;29(6):935-948.

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NADPH oxidase関連


Matsumoto M, Liu J, Iwata K, Ibi M, Asaoka N, Zhang X, Katsuyama M, Matsuda M, Nabe T, Schröder K, Yabe-Nishimura C.
NOX1/NADPH oxidase is involved in the LPS-induced exacerbation of collagen-induced arthritis. J Pharmacol Sci. 146(2):88-97. 2021.

Asaoka N, Ibi M, Hatakama H, Nagaoka K, Iwata K, Matsumoto M, Katsuyama M, Kaneko S, Yabe-Nishimura C.
NOX1/NADPH Oxidase Promotes Synaptic Facilitation Induced by Repeated D 2 Receptor Stimulation: Involvement in Behavioral Repetition. J Neurosci. 41(12):2780-2794. 2021.

Morimoto H, Yamamoto T, Miyazaki T, Ogonuki N, Ogura A, Tanaka T, Kanatsu-Shinohara M, Yabe-Nishimura C, Zhang H, Pommier Y, Trumpp A, Shinohara T.
An interplay of NOX1-derived ROS and oxygen determines the spermatogonial stem cell self-renewal efficiency under hypoxia. Genes Dev. 35(3-4):250-260. 2021.

Zhang X, Ibi M, Haga R, Iwata K, Matsumoto M, Asaoka N, Liu J, Katsuyama M, Yabe-Nishimura C.
NOX1/NADPH oxidase affects the development of autism-like behaviors in a maternal immune activation model. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 534:59-66. 2021.

Katsuyama M, Kimura E, Ibi M, Iwata K, Matsumoto M, Asaoka N, Yabe-Nishimura C.
Clioquinol inhibits dopamine-β-hydroxylase secretion and noradrenaline synthesis by affecting the redox status of ATOX1 and copper transport in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells Arch Toxicol. 95(1):135-148. 2021.


Motoyama S, Yamada H, Yamamoto K, Wakana N, Terada K, Kikai M, Wada N, Saburi M, Sugimoto T, Kubota H, Miyawaki D, Kami D, Ogata T, Ibi M, Yabe-Nishimura C, Matoba S. Social Stress Increases Vulnerability to High-Fat Diet-Induced Insulin Resistance by Enhancing Neutrophil Elastase Activity in Adipose Tissue. Cells. 9(4):996. 2020.

Liu J, Iwata K, Zhu K, Matsumoto M, Matsumoto K, Asaoka N, Zhang X, Ibi M, Katsuyama M, Tsutsui M, Kato S, Yabe-Nishimura C. NOX1/NADPH oxidase in bone marrow-derived cells modulates intestinal barrier function. Free Radic Biol Med. 147:90-101. 2020.

Yamamoto K, Yamada H, Wakana N, Kikai M, Terada K, Wada N, Motoyama S, Saburi M, Sugimoto T, Kami D, Ogata T, Ibi M, Yabe-Nishimura C, Matoba S. Augmented neutrophil extracellular traps formation promotes atherosclerosis development in socially defeated apoE -/- mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 500(2):490-496. 2020.


Morimoto H, Kanastu-Shinohara M, Ogonuki N, Kamimura S, Ogura A, Yabe-Nishimura C, Mori Y, Morimoto T, Watanabe S, Otsu K, Yamamoto T, Shinohara T. ROS amplification drives mouse spermatogonial stem cell self-renewal. Life Sci Alliance. 2(2). 2019.

Nishinaka T, Shimizu K, Miura T, Yabe-Nishimura C, Terada T. Cooperative regulation of mouse aldose reductase (AKR1B3) gene transcription by Nrf2, TonEBP, and c-jun. Chem Biol Interact. 302:36-45. 2019.

Wen X, Iwata K, Ikuta K, Zhang X, Zhu K, Ibi M, Matsumoto M, Asaoka N, Liu J, Katsuyama M, Yabe-Nishimura C. NOX1/NADPH oxidase regulates the expression of multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 and maintains intracellular glutathione levels. FEBS J. 286(4):678-687. 2019.


Katsuyama M, Ibi M, Iwata K, Matsumoto M, Yabe-Nishimura C. Clioquinol increases the expression of interleukin-8 by down-regulating GATA-2 and GATA-3. Neurotoxicology. 67:296-304. 2018.

Yamamoto K, Yamada H, Wakana N, Kikai M, Terada K, Wada N, Motoyama S, Saburi M, Sugimoto T, Kami D, Ogata T, Ibi M, Yabe-Nishimura C, Matoba S. Augmented neutrophil extracellular traps formation promotes atherosclerosis development in socially defeated apoE-/- mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 500(2):490-496. 2018.

Ohshima Y, Iwata K, Ibi M, Matsumoto M,Katsuyama M, Yabe-Nishimura C. Nicotine and methyl vinyl ketone, major components of cigarette smoke extracts, increase protective amyloid-β peptides in cells harboring amyloid-β precursor protein. J. Toxicol. Sci. 43: 257-266, 2018.

Iwata K, Matsuno K, Murata A, Zhu K, Fukui H, Ikuta K, Katsuyama M, Ibi M, Matsumoto M, Ohigashi M, Wen X, Zhang J, Cui W, Yabe-Nishimura C. Up-regulation of NOX1/NADPH oxidase following drug-induced myocardial injury promotes cardiac dysfunction and fibrosis.Free Radic Biol Med.120:277-288. 2018.

Ohshima Y, Taguchi K, Mizuta I, Tanaka M, Tomiyama T, Kametani F, Yabe-Nishimura C, Mizuno T, Tokuda T. Mutations in the β-amyloid precursor protein in familial Alzheimer's disease increase Aβ oligomer production in cellular models. Heliyon. 4(1):e00511. 2018.

Matsumoto M, Zhang J, Zhang X, Liu J, Jiang JX, Yamaguchi K, Taruno A, Katsuyama M, Iwata K, Ibi M, Cui W, Matsuno K, Marunaka Y, Itoh Y, Torok NJ, Yabe-Nishimura C. The NOX1 isoform of NADPH oxidase is involved in dysfunction of liver sinusoids in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Free Radic Biol Med. 115:412-420. 2018.


Ibi M, Liu J, Arakawa N, Kitaoka S, Kawaji A, Matsuda KI, Iwata K, Matsumoto M, Katsuyama M, Zhu K, Teramukai S, Furuyashiki T, Yabe-Nishimura C. Depressive-Like Behaviors Are Regulated by NOX1/NADPH Oxidase by Redox Modification of NMDA Receptor 1.J Neurosci. 12;37(15):4200-4212. 2017.

Yokota H, Tsuzuki A, Shimada Y, Imai A, Utsumi D, Tsukahara T, Matsumoto M, Amagase K, Iwata K, Nakamura A, Yabe-Nishimura C, Kato S. NOX1/NADPH Oxidase Expressed in Colonic Macrophages Contributes to the Pathogenesis of Colonic Inflammation in Trinitrobenzene Sulfonic Acid-Induced Murine Colitis.J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 360(1):192-200. 2017.


Harvey AP, Montezano A, Wong KC, Hood KY, Alves-Lopes R, Ceravolo GS, Yabe-Nishimura C, Graham D, Touyz RM. OS 02-01 ROLE OF ALDOSTERONE AND NADPH OXIDASE 1 IN HYPERTENSION-ASSOCIATED VASCULAR AGING.J Hypertens. 34 Suppl 1 - ISH 2016 Abstract Book:e48.

Kato M, Marumo M, Nakayama J, Matsumoto M, Yabe-Nishimura C, Kamata T. The ROS-generating oxidase Nox1 is required for epithelial restitution following colitis.Exp Anim. 29;65(3):197-205. 2016.


Bettaieb A, Jiang JX, Sasaki Y, Chao TI, Kiss Z, Chen X, Tian J, Katsuyama M, Yabe-Nishimura C, Xi Y, Szyndralewiez C, Schröder K, Shah A, Brandes RP, Haj FG, Török NJ. Hepatocyte NADPH Oxidase 4 Regulates Stress Signaling, Fibrosis, and Insulin Sensitivity During Development of Steatohepatitis in Mice.Gastroenterology. 149(2):468-80. 2015

Kojima A, Matsumoto A, Nishida H, Reien Y, Iwata K, Shirayama T, Yabe-Nishimura C, Nakaya H. A protective role of Nox1/NADPH oxidase in a mouse model with hypoxia-induced bradycardia.J Pharmacol Sci. 127(3):370-6. 2015.

Zhu K, Kakehi T, Matsumoto M, Iwata K, Ibi M, Ohshima Y, Zhang J, Liu J, Wen X, Taye A, Fan C, Katsuyama M, Sharma K, Yabe-Nishimura C. NADPH oxidase NOX1 is involved in activation of protein kinase C and premature senescence in early stage diabetic kidney.Free Radic Biol Med. 83:21-30, 2015.



Hwang JS, Kim HJ, Kim G, Kang ES, Ham SA, Yoo T, Paek KS, Yabe-Nishimura C, Kim HJ, Seo HG. PPARδ reduces abdominal aortic aneurysm formation in angiotensin II-infused apolipoprotein E-deficient mice by regulating extracellular matrix homeostasis and inflammatory responses.Int J Cardiol. 174(1): 43-50, 2014.

Katsuyama M, Ibi M, Matsumoto M, Iwata K, Ohshima Y, Yabe-Nishimura C. Clioquinol increases the expression of VGF, a neuropeptide precursor, through induction of c-Fos expression. J Pharmacol Sci. 124(4): 427-32, 2014.

Matsumoto M, Katsuyama M, Iwata K, Ibi M, Zhang J, Zhu K, Nauseef WM, Yabe-Nishimura C. Characterization of N-glycosylation sites on the extracellular domain of NOX1/NADPH oxidase. Free Radic Biol Med. 68: 196-204, 2014.

Iwata K, Ikami K, Matsuno K, Yamashita T, Shiba D, Ibi M, Matsumoto M, Katsuyama M, Cui W, Zhang J, Zhu K, Takei N, Kokai Y, Ohneda O, Yokoyama T, Yabe-Nishimura C. Deficiency of NOX1/NADPH oxidase leads to pulmonary vascular remodeling. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 34: 110-19, 2014.


Lee JH, Joo JH, Kim J, Lim HJ, Kim S, Curtiss L, Seong JK, Cui W, Yabe-Nishimura C, Bae YS. Interaction of NADPH oxidase 1 with Toll-like receptor 2 induces migration of smooth muscle cells. Cardiovasc Res. 99(3):483-93, 2013.

Morimoto H, Iwata K, Ogonuki N, Inoue K, Atsuo O, Kanatsu-Shinohara M, Morimoto T, Yabe-Nishimura C, Shinohara T. ROS are required for mouse spermatogonial stem cell self-renewal. Cell Stem Cell. 12(6):774-86, 2013.

Kodama R, Kato M, Furuta S, Ueno S, Zhang Y, Matsuno K, Yabe-Nishimura C, Tanaka E, Kamata T. ROS-generating oxidases Nox1 and Nox4 contribute to oncogenic Ras-induced premature senescence. Genes Cells. 18(1):32-41, 2013.


Liang B, Hara T, Wagatsuma K, Zhang J, Maki K, Miyachi H, Kitano S, Yabe-Nishimura C, Tani-Ichi S, Ikuta K. Role of hepatocyte-derived IL-7 in maintenance of intrahepatic NKT cells and T cells and development of B cells in fetal liver. J Immunol. 189(9):4444-50, 2012.

Matsuno K, Iwata K, Matsumoto M, Katsuyama M, Cui W, Murata A, Nakamura H, Ibi M, Ikami K, Zhang J, Matoba S, Jin D, Takai S, Matsubara H, Matsuda N, Yabe-Nishimura C. NOX1/NADPH oxidase is involved in endotoxin-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis. Free Radic Biol Med. 53(9):1718-28, 2012.

Katsuyama M, Iwata K, Ibi M, Matsuno K, Matsumoto M, Yabe-Nishimura C. Clioquinol induces DNA double-strand breaks, activation of ATM, and subsequent activation of p53 signaling. Toxicology. 299(1):55-9, 2012.

Yasuda M, Kato S, Yamanaka N, Iimori M, Utsumi D, Kitahara Y, Iwata K, Matsuno K, Amagase K, Yabe-Nishimura C, Takeuchi K. Potential role of the NADPH oxidase NOX1 in the pathogenesis of 5-fluorouracil-induced intestinal mucositis in mice. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 302(10):G1133-42, 2012.

Kajla S, Mondol AS, Nagasawa A, Zhang Y, Kato M, Matsuno K, Yabe-Nishimura C, Kamata T. A crucial role for Nox 1 in redox-dependent regulation of Wnt-β-catenin signaling. FASEB J. 26(5):2049-59, 2012.

Katsuyama M, Matsuno K, Yabe-Nishimura C. Physiological roles of NOX/NADPH oxidase, the superoxide-generating enzyme. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition. 50(1):9-22, 2012.


Ibi M, Matsuno K, Matsumoto M, Sasaki M, Nakagawa T, Katsuyama M, Iwata K, Zhang J, Kaneko S, Yabe-Nishimura C. Involvement of NOX1/NADPH Oxidase in Morphine-Induced Analgesia and Tolerance. J Neurosci. 31(49):18094-18103, 2011.

Kim HJ, Ham SA, Kim MY, Hwang JS, Lee H, Kang ES, Yoo T, Woo IS, Yabe-Nishimura C, Paek KS, Kim JH, Seo HG. PPARδ coordinates angiotensin II-induced senescence in vascular smooth muscle cells through PTEN-mediated inhibition of superoxide generation. J Biol Chem. 286(52):44585-44593, 2011.

Cui W, Matsuno K, Iwata K, Ibi M, Matsumoto M, Zhang J, Zhu K, Katsuyama M, Torok NJ, Yabe-Nishimura C. NADPH oxidase NOX1 promotes proliferation of stellate cells and aggravates liver fibrosis induced by bile duct ligation. Hepatology. 54(3):949-958, 2011.

Katsuyama M, Hirai H, Iwata K, Ibi M, Matsuno K, Matsumoto M, Yabe-Nishimura C. Sp3 transcription factor is crucial for transcriptional activation of the human NOX4 gene. FEBS J. 278(6):964-972, 2011.

Kang ES, Iwata K, Ikami K, Ham SA, Kim HJ, Chang KC, Lee JH, Kim JH, Park SB, Kim JH, Yabe-Nishimura C, Seo HG. Aldose reductase in keratinocytes attenuates cellular apoptosis and senescence induced by UV radiation. Free Radic Biol Med. 15;50(6):680-688, 2011.



Fan C, Katsuyama M, Wei H, Xia Q, Liu W, Yabe-Nishimura C. Molecular mechanisms underlying PGF2alpha-induced hypertrophy of vascular smooth muscle cells. Yakugaku Zasshi. 130(2):211-214, 2010. Review.

Matsumoto M, Yabe-Nishimura C. Early predictors of microvascular complications in diabetes. Nippon Rinsho. 68 Suppl 9:21-25, 2010.


Cui W, Matsuno K, Iwata K, Ibi M, Katsuyama M, Kakehi T, Sasaki M, Ikami K, Zhu K, Yabe-Nishimura C. NADPH oxidase isoforms and anti-hypertensive effects of atorvastatin demonstrated in two animal models. J Pharmacol Sci. 111:260-268, 2009.

Kim HJ, Kim MY, Jin H, Kim HJ, Kang SS, Kim HJ, Lee JH, Chang KC, Hwang JY, Yabe-Nishimura C, Kim JH, Seo HG. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor {delta} regulates extracellular matrix and apoptosis of vascular smooth muscle cells through the activation of transforming growth factor-{beta}1/Smad3. Circ Res 105:16-24, 2009.

Sasaki H, Yamamoto H, Tominaga K, Masuda K, Kawai T, Teshima-Kondo S, Matsuno K, Yabe-Nishimura C, Rokutan K. Receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB ligand-induced mouse osteoclast differentiation is associated with switching between NADPH oxidase homologues. Free Radic Biol Med 47:189-199, 2009.


Ibi M, Matsuno K, Shiba D, Katsuyama M, Iwata K, Kakehi T, Nakagawa T, Sango K, Shirai Y, Yokoyama T, Kaneko S, Saito N, Yabe-Nishimura C. Reactive oxygen species derived from NOX1/NADPH oxidase enhance inflammatory pain. J Neurosci 28: 9486-9494, 2008.

Cevik MO, Katsuyama M, Kanda S, Kaneko T, Iwata K, Ibi M, Matsuno K, Kakehi T, Cui W, Sasaki M, Yabe-Nishimura C. The AP-1 site is essential for the promoter activity of NOX1/NADPH oxidase, a vascular superoxide-producing enzyme: Possible involvement of the ERK1/2-JunB pathway. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 374: 351-355, 2008.

Kakehi T, Yabe-Nishimura C. NOX enzymes and diabetic complications. Semin Immunopathol 30: 301-314, 2008.


Katsuyama M, Cevik M-O, Arakawa N, Kakehi T, Nishinaka T, Iwata K, Ibi M, Matsuno K, Yabe-Nishimura C. Myocyte enhancer factor 2B is involved in the inducible expression of NOX1/NADPH oxidase, a vascular superoxide-producing enzyme. FEBS J 274: 5128-5136, 2007.

Iwata K, Nishinaka T, Matsuno K, Kakehi T, Katsuyama M, Ibi M, Yabe-Nishimura C. The activity of aldose reductase is elevated in diabetic mouse heart. J Pharmacol Sci 103: 408-416, 2007.


Iwata K, Matsuno K, Nishinaka T, Persson C, Yabe-Nishimura C. Aldose Reductase Inhibitors Improve Myocardial Reperfusion Injury in Mice by a Dual Mechanism. J Pharmacol Sci 102: 37-46, 2006.

Arakawa N, Katsuyama M, Matsuno K, Urao N, Tabuchi Y, Okigaki M, Matsubara H, Yabe-Nishimura C. Novel transcripts of Nox1 are regulated by alternative promoters and expressed under phenotypic modulation of vascular smooth muscle cells. Biochem J 398: 303-310, 2006.

Ibi M, Katsuyama M, Fan C, Iwata K, Nishinaka T, Yokoyama T, Yabe-Nishimura C. NOX1/NADPH oxidase negatively regulates nerve growth factor-induced neurite outgrowth. Free Radic Biol Med 40: 1785-1795, 2006.

Iwata K, Nishinaka T, Matsuno, K, Yabe-Nishimura C. Increased gene expression of glutathione peroxidase-3 in diabetic mouse heart. Biol Pharm Bull 29:1042-1045, 2006.



Matsuno K, Yamada H, Iwata K, Jin D, Katsuyama M, Matsuki M, Takai S, Yamanishi K, Miyazaki M, Matsubara H, Yabe-Nishimura C. Nox1 is involved in angiotensin II-mediated hypertension - a study in Nox1-deficient mice. Circulation 112: 2677-2685, 2005.

Fan C, Katsuyama M, Yabe-Nishimura C. Protein kinase C-delta mediates up-regulation of NOX1, a catalytic subunit of NADPH oxidase, via transactivation of the EGF receptor: possible involvement of PKCdelta in vascular hypertrophy. Biochem J 390: 761-767, 2005.

Fan C, Katsuyama M, Nishinaka T, Yabe-Nishimura C. Transactivation of the EGF receptor and a PI3 kinase-ATF-1 pathway is involved in the upregulation of NOX1, a catalytic subunit of NADPH oxidase. FEBS Lett 579: 1301-1305, 2005.

Nishinaka T, Yabe-Nishimura C. Transcription factor Nrf2 regulates promoter activity of mouse aldose reductase (AKR1B3) gene. J Pharmacol Sci 97: 43-51, 2005.

Katsuyama M, Fan C, Arakawa N, Nishinaka T, Miyagishi M, Taira K, Yabe-Nishimura C. Essential role of ATF-1 in induction of NOX1, a catalytic subunit of NADPH oxidase: Involvement of mitochondrial respiratory chain. Biochem J 386: 255-261, 2005.


Azuma Y, Nishinaka T, Ushijima S, Soh J, Katsuyama M, Lu HP, Kawata M, Yabe-Nishimura C, Miki T. Characterization of htAKR, a novel gene product in the aldo-keto reductase family specifically expressed in human testis. Mol Hum Reprod 10: 527-33, 2004.

Hashimoto T, Ibi M, Matsuno K, Nakashima S, Tanigawa T, Yoshikawa T, Yabe-Nishimura C. An endogenous metabolite of dopamine, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethanol, acts as a unique cytoprotective agent against oxidative stress-induced injury. Free Radic Biol Med 36: 555-64, 2004.


Katsuyama M, Fan C, Yabe-Nishimura C. NADPH oxidase is involved in prostaglandin F2α-induced hypertrophy of vascular smooth muscle cells: induction of NOX1 by PGF2α. J Biol Chem 277: 13438-13442, 2002.

Hashimoto T, Yabe-Nishimura C. Oxidative metabolite of dopamine, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde, induces dopamine release from PC12 cells by a Ca2+-independent mechanism. Brain Res 931: 96-99, 2002.


Maekawa K, Tanimoto T, Okada S, Suzuki T, Yabe-Nishimura C. Expression of aldose reductase and sorbitol dehydrogenase genes in Schwann cells isolated from rat: effects of high glucose and osmotic stress. Mol Brain Res 87: 251-256, 2001.

Nishinaka T, Yabe-Nishimura C. EGF receptor-ERK pathway is the major signaling pathway that mediates upregulation of aldose reductase expression under oxidative stress. Free Radic Biol Med 31: 205-216, 2001.

Maekawa K, Tanimoto T, Okada S, Suzuki T, Yabe-Nishimura C. Analysis of gene expression of aldose reductase and sorbitol dehydrogenase in rat Schwann cells by competitive RT-PCR method using non-homologous DNA standards. Brain Res Protoc 8: 219-227, 2001.


Seo HG, Nishinaka T, Yabe-Nishimura C. Nitric oxide up-regulates aldose reductase expression in rat vascular smooth muscle cells: A potential role for aldose reductase in vascular remodeling. Mol Pharmacol 57: 709-717, 2000.


Yabe-Nishimura C. Aldose reductase in glucose toxicity: a potential target for the prevention of diabetic complications. Pharmacol Rev 50: 21-33, 1998.
